I might not of gotten some of the classes I needed had I not taken the incentive in communicating with my professors. The following details our correspondence:
Dear Dr Waldorf, I am a MfgE student and planning on taking Computer Aided Design in the Spring quarter. I have taken the prerequisites specifically to get into your class yet the registration filled at an alarming rate and I am 11th on the wait list. Obviously I have little chance of getting in this spring but was hoping the IME office could offer an additional 335 class. In my opinion there are enough students to merit this extra cost and I feel it would be unfair to many students if the limited space keeps them from learning these skills. Please consider this carefully as it is most important to myself and fellow students. Thank you for your time, Jordan Gamble
His Reply:
You can use permission number 811853 to add ime-335-01 (class number 5440) and sign up for the Friday afternoon lab section (03).
So as you can see, I did successfully sign up for all the classes I wanted, including chemistry. Chemistry will be with my roommate, Liang. I know together we will have fun and benefit from working together.
Other good news is camp Hi Sierra and Catalina have both contacted me and will be giving me the position details shortly. Until I know further, I am uncertain as to which camp to go to - Both sound fun but too bad I only have one summer... Maybe next year.
I hope you have the same success in all of your endeavors as I.
That's all for now,
Dude! Freaking sweet news about summer camp!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso I am very impressed with your letter to the prof. Nice wording and well done on getting into the class.
Once again, you amaze me, Jordan... What can I say? Love Mother