It's 3 AM - I am typing this quickly before going to bed after a long hard day of studying. In a little less then 48 hours I will be taking my Chemistry Final on which I am working hard and praying harder for an A - This goal is in my mind for many reasons, the first of which is personal education; I love learning about how our world works and seeing what makes up the things we use everyday. Another reason I love chemistry is that I hope to get 3.0 GPA so that I can apply for internships and scholarships in the years to come - with state fees rising it won't be long before I'll need to sell street tacos to pay my tuition. But beyond all other reasons the most most motivation at present comes from the expectation and trust each of my teachers has invested in me. Sacrificing their time, advice, and even personal tidbits of life's theology. I cannot express how grateful I am to them and how much in way of doing my best on the test.
For example, I've been in deep conversations with my Japanese Professor on topics ranging from health care to restaurant reviews and each time I feel she shares a little bit more of her own expansive life and entrusts me with these ideals.I feel it is not as much a desire to pass the class but to prove to her I understand the material.
Another example is my chemistry prof, Dr Nguyen, who has high expectations but lacks the English vocabulary to teach properly. (Another story, another time) I've spent many hours talking with him on concepts which may elude me, at first, but once I understand them I take it to my lab mates and teach them the concept, further cementing the idea in my head.
I recently sent him a email expressing my thanks and hopefulness about the class and the students success. Dr Nguyen's reply was a follows,
Some students like you really makes my teaching career worth it. Thanks for your kind words.
Simple but heart felt - I was deeply touched and replied thanking him for his dedication to teaching the fundamentals of chemistry.
I know there are not always great teachers around but I am thankful that this quarter has been such a blessing to share stories and personal conversations with my teachers.
Now dear reader it is your turn - "Thank a teacher in your life "
“To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.”
I believe I will end this post here and go to bed. See you soon,
Your attitude towards your education and your professors is so encouraging to read. And the professors who take the time to invest in you are giving a really precious gift - some of my best friendships at my school are with profs and staff who take that time.