Greeting from SLO - City of Beautiful Green Hills, Busy Weekdays, and Lots of activity.
To summarize my week I'd like to start with a story. (Warning, the following paragraph may have greater significance to me in my present situation than to you!)
It all began Monday night - the weather was charming - Cold wind thrashing the rain as it poured down in sheets. Some say, San Luis Obispo was underwater! In an attempt to study for the coming midterm I sat down in the library and worked on some problems... I got through most of them and was doing fine until it hit me that my friend, Alex, was probably studying on his own also... Taking action, I sent him a text message detailing my position. He quickly responded in the affirmative and after a few moments he had arrived at the library to study with me. We sat down and began... For the next two hours, he and I beat the tar out of every question in the Chemistry book. We then switched to calculus 141 and hashed out another set of related rates and derivatives questions. Keeping each other focused we pushed through until 7pm when we quit and went home to eat. I was glad to have his company and as I was walking home, I realized just how much I finally understood the material. Anytime he got stuck, I was able to give him a hint and often teach him what I knew. Conversely when I struggled with a trig function or algebraic definition he could help me out. The rest of the week followed with more study, more running, and more classes.

Architecture Class- Today we learned about a Cock Fighting arena in Guadalajara Mexico.

I know my story might seem trivial but the personal growth gained was applicable to many other events which happened during the week. In the end, on Friday, I went to class knowing exactly what was on the test. Save for a select few, I was able to "drop kick" the questions and finish under the time limit! I am grateful to Alex and my professor for the help and coaching they gave to me and hope to do well on the next quiz also. I am sure the coming final will be equally challenging, but I am sure with the help of friends and teachers I will continue to improve.
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