Bonjour Les Salutations el San Luis Obispo,
I make tortellini tonight... its very good, o mama mia!
My week has been filled with feeling of frustration, success, gritted teeth, relaxing runs, intense bike workout, and the completion of my first half of freshman year! I am so excited to get these classes over with and really look forward to finals day so I can say to my professor, "see, I told you I could do it!" Sometimes, It feels like everybody out to get you and nobodies there but then, if you poke your up out of the mists of studies, there is light! That's what I found when I began my search for roommates... It is truly amazing how many people there are who are just like me - Searching for friends. I suppose the idea that everybody has friends is old by now but its still hard to reach out and introduce yourself to new faces, new activities, new habits. I guess that's what college is all about: finding your SELF in a place of many possibilities. I know I am finding more and more a personal desire to trust God with all my heart, all my hopes, and all my fears. This is true happiness for me, to see God work in the hearts and minds of people around me and in my own heart also. Praise be to God! Good Pasta!
beautiful picture. it looks like spring! very nice update. thanks so much for sharing what is going on in your life. i went on a really nice run today with mr. abbott. we headed up to the boulder oaks place above mr. meadors house. take care son. you will be a delightful friend to many people in your life.