"Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it" Luke 17:33
Monday, November 9, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Question: fgadfgjas;fdlgkja;dflkgjalkfdgj;alkfdjglkajs;dgklja;dflkgjdlkjfgad
Answer: Find gold and diamonds for giving Jonathan a silly funny dumb laughing gift. Keeping Jonathan's accordian doesn't fall lightly. Kendra gives Jordan a little kingdom for doing good. Jordan and Levi kayak far down Jason's gorge liking killing antelope. Jordan says dawn glows. Kindly laugh, Jonathan, and dance for lifting kayaks glibly. JD likes kelp. Jump far going always down.

For God's awesome day, for glorious joy and simplicity; for days living God's kingdom jetting around; don't forget love, kindness, goodness, joy, and lavishing kind forgiveness. Do go jumping; and live karefully, for days jam, gears lock. Keep at Jesus' side; Do good. Keep lax. Jam accasionally; Don't fight like kids going jeepers. Dance loud. King Jesus forever glorified. Amen. Ditto.
I am speechless. Good Job!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Rain Day - Introducing a Job Fair
This year it rained. This year companies feigned. But this year, there was something I gained.
Day One: A total of 63 companies advertised here at the Cal Poly job fair! Out of the sixteen or so thousand students, only about 200 will have the opportunity to get a job or internship. Thats not a good chance. It reminds me of a day like today, when the rain comes down in torrents, the clouds darken the skies, and a chilling moisture reaches out to everything… leaving nothing dry or untouched. During the past two years little has improved for the job markets and especially for careers in manufacturing, when so many companies are moving there manufacturing plants overseas. Brian, a graduating senior had a ‘my glass is half empty’ mentality. His comments were short and distracted; “I might go back to farming,” he said. I understand the frustration and uncertainty for those in such a situation but I also know that we can make whatever we want of this world by doing whatever it takes. Tomorrow I look forward to showing my resume to companies and experiencing the interview process. Who knows, the darkest side of our world is always the next to get a beam of light, so why not expect a new beginning, a fresh start, an unknown opportunity!
Day Two: I returned with resume printed, suit ironed, and interviews rehearsed. My smile beamed as I strode into the job fair like a knight on a horse. All these employers were looking for ME, waiting for ME, they wanted to hire ME! I was so full of pride at where I was and the experiences I’ve had. Ah, Boeing, let me start there first! “You can do it”, I said to myself. Paper in hand I walked up and offered a hand out in confidence. Like a dream I state my name and my interest in airplanes and engineering. The conversation is general but then we hit on the topic of my private pilot's license. Oh, what excitement effused from this middle aged business manager. Her stories and words of advice went on and on… Finally, exchanging contact cards and moving on, I felt a new confidence and moved on to the next booth. "MHHMMmm, YUM, Dryers Ice Cream!" I exclaimed. “I had no idea you guys did manufacturing!”. Only it was too late to take back my undignified and uneducated introduction. This time there seemed to be short answers for my inquires and I left feeling very foolish indeed.
AHHA! Solar Turbines, now here was a company with which I had knowledge and personal contacts. I walked up, introduced myself and had a wonderful talk with the general manager of the manufacturing facilities site. I could go on about the different people and companies I spoke with, both on a personal and professional level; Apple, Microsoft, Air Force, Phillips, and Boston Scientific. Some seemed promising while others had budget crisis, but all gave me something to think over when I left that room. Free stuff was a major bonus! I even divided it up among my roommates who were excited too. This was an excellent first job fair and I look forward to more in the coming years.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Surfing with Students
On a warm Friday afternoon, 12 Cal Poly students piled into a four door Chevy and a small rental Sedan. The trunks were loaded with food, clothes, sleeping bags, camping stoves, and most importantly, surfboards! With no time wasted, the car set off, northbound, for the secluded shores of Big Sur and Monterey, passing Hearst Castle, Sea Lion Cove, Los Osos NP, Willow Creek and so on... On and on, for 140 miles those tires drove north. White beaches changed to rocky coves, while flat oak covered hills grew into towering mountains of pines...
The sun set slowly and as the cars pulled into the campgrounds all worries were driven away by the sheer beauty of the beach. People tumbled out, gasping, tasting the fresh smells of the pines and salty air in the warm fall breeze. Yelps of joy and wonder spread throughout the group as expressions of awe were heard, "Dude its so awesome!"and "Whoa!", "Living in the moment.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
1) Vise President Campaign Failed
2) Math Test Aced
3) Meeting with English teacher a success
4) 5 Mile Run with Michael, Time -1hr
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Weekend Excitement
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Alright so although I have been busy I wanted to tell you a little something I learned about today.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

In the weeks prior to school I spent a good amount of time talking to different people about the challenges of College. The expectations, the Community Struggles, the Commitment of Time and Energy. In all the advice and encouragement I did receive, there was but one thing that made me stop and question... It was a comment made by my SM on the danger of self-help books and study habit tips. As I understood it, there was a tremendous chance that I would not succeed at planning deadlines and fixing events. And now, I know he was right! The first few assignments for classes were but childes play, but what I found was because they were so simple I could not keep them in track.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sunday in the Sand
Two weeks ago, Johnathan Kilmer told me the best part of his weekend was VolleyBall at the Beach. I had such an opportunity, today, to do so and enjoyed it with complete satisfaction! After a Multi-generational church service, complete with choir and benedictions, the college group carpooled down to Pismo Beach where we played volleyball, went swimming and attempted to skim board! (My bloody knee is such a testament! Totally knarly!) I must warn my family and friends at home, the water is no longer at bathing temperature but instead a mind numbing 55! I came in shivering and had to hop-scotch jelly fish, crabs, and the occasional BLUE WHALE! (Sorry, that was poor sarcasm.)