Thursday, September 24, 2009

Brain Over Load >

Solve the Equation:
2x(Days+1) + (Classes)^4 = (y)(Distracted Thoughts)
Given: x < x="">
Hmm, yes well, that looks like a polynomial equation, you might say, but how many solutions are there? Well, without taking into consideration the type of food one eats you can estimate at about 4 solutions.
A) a. y= Square root of "I love college homework!"
b. y=mx+ "How did I forget the Sin and Cosine Function!"
c. (x)(Classes) = (x)(Proportion of Brain Trauma)
d. y=y~x=z Given: y=person a; x=person b; z=person c; all of who look alike!

So in all honesty, I have been doing fine with the work, as it is mostly review which I haven't used in a FULL year. Although the most un-assuring aspect, is the memory loss I've experienced today. Everyone I meet seemed to recognize me and I couldn't place there face, name or major in any past memory! Then, at 6pm I walked into the wrong class and insisted that I was where I was supposed to be! The professor patiently explained to me that I was in his earlier lab section and yet I couldn't recall what he was talking about! Really scary!
But if you want the facts; I had 4 classes back to back starting around 3-9pm Insane!~! I am sure this brain fizz is the effects of my first 3 days back after 365 days off and I'll feel better after the first week or so... Still, I need to push through these mental blocks I've built so if my wonderful blog readers could give me any thoughts and tips it would be appreciated! I look forward to your replies and will take some time this weekend to review study skills.
In talking about the weekend I do have a semi planned schedule:

Friday: No Classes; finish homework; Work Out in Gym Class; 4pm-Study group meet; 5pm- Go hiking; Visit neighbors; Inter varsity Weekly Worship.
Saturday: 8am-Roller Hockey; 9am-Sailing Club; 11am-Ultimate Frisbee; 12pm-Shooting w/Alex Emes; 5pm-Take Bus to Morro Bay, Surf till sunset!
Sunday: 9am-Church; 12pm-Lunch and visit with Trevor Jones

Anyway, that was alot of useless information the you just download to your central cortex which you might never use... just know that I am busy. Maybe too busy? Could this article have a point? His solutions of Itemizing, Planning, and Down Times are simple, but do we really give thought to these in our daily living? "You reach a point in the performance/anxiety curve where school starts to deteriorate. When you're operating on fumes, you go into fear/survival mode and you lose those qualities of success."



    Your thought life is really unnerving your dear mother back here at home.

    Hmmmmm, could you possibly be a little more lighthearted? A little less philosophical? You are worrying me.

    Also, roller hockey, sailing, ultimate frisbee, shooting and surfing IS WAY TOO MUCH! You won't be able to get out of bed on Sunday to go to church! Yikes! Nor will you be able to remember ANY of your classes on Monday.

    Love Mom

  2. Did you come up with that equation?

    Also, where are all those pics coming from?

  3. Thank you mother for your concern and I am definitely NOT planning on attending all those activities but the tremendous options and possibility are out there. Thanks for your thoughts. And yes I did put together the equation and those pictures are from FLICKr. Just Random San Luis Pictures. Love you!

  4. You did that equation? Wow, that sounded like some math geek's idea of humor! Have you become a math geek?

  5. HAHA, oh well, I did spend much of the day working on math homework so if my brain was tweaked, it would diffidently be towards equations and numbers.... Thanks, I take that as a compliment as I've never thought of my self as a math person.
