I ran, sweat poured off my hot glisening body, I breathed in a deep breath of warm fresh air. The trees around me blew gently in the wind and I continued to run, through the low underbrush, across the dusty road, on toward a dream I thought was only 10 minutes away. Jamba Juice! In front of me lay this reward, and what I left behind was pain, fear, and weakness. As Lance Armstrong says, “Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.”..."
Hi Everyone,
I know it been awhile and I am sorry to keep my diligent readers thirsting for some information on what is happening here in SLO.
If I could sum out my week in one work it would Maturity. Maturity because I have learned discipline in many many ways.
One of best memories of this week has been through challenges in planning and following through on my daily plans. Rocking awake I would be jolted awake by my alarm at 6:30 Am - "what a dumb idea I thought, as I put on the snooze and fell back asleep." In the first part of the week, I'd wake up minutes before class, and rush to ready for the day. Compare that to Thursday, when I woke early and had a wonderful morning routine. Its not easy, but It sure beat missing class at 8am.
The basic Idea which I was continually reminded of was that every description I made was going to change the rest of the day's events in some small way.
I feel a need to begin next week with a dog collar on, determined to lock it down and focus on what needs to get done according to my schedule.
If there is any doubt to my flexibility and openness to change, one simply needs to see my past history to see I am anything but constant.
Dr White, My math Teacher.
Finally, to finish where I left of in my Jamba Juice crusade, let me tell you what happened.
With fifteen minutes to go, I was pushing really hard on the last bit of trail, trying to get home before three clock, which was when I had planned to study my Home Work.
Suddenly I stopped, breath heavy, hair matted in sweat, I listen closely and heard to my absolute joy a stream. I walked to the edge of the trail and look over the ravine. Down below, sheltered by bushes and oaks, I could see sparkling water, splashing against smooth rocks.
I was drawn into this paradise of beauty and decided to go for a swim. The water was fabulous, cool , refreshing and so good for my muscles. AHhh!
15 minutes later I was back on track, running home, trying to beat the 3oclock deadline. I knew I didn't have time for a jamba juice now but my mind kept playing tricks, fantasizing about the sweet, fruity smoothie, only 4.95 at the cafe.
Finally, coming around the last corner I saw it, the green and yellow sign - signaling a sweet destination. Everything in my body was telling me to "GO, relax and enjoy life"!
Still, some subconscious force was telling me otherwise - it was this voice I listened to and for that I am grateful... I was able to finish up my Calc HW and get to class later that day.
If there's one lesson I like you to take away, its that discipline can be beneficial if we plan out ahead of time what we want and where we want to go. It's also important to note that desires are not necessarily bad but if we can learn to judge which desires are worthwhile then nothing can stand in our way. Thanks be to Life!
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