Date of Departure: Friday, April 9, 2010.
"We have left San Luis and are traveling north on 1. (Not the 1 but "1") Ahead of us lied freedom, open beaches, and fresh clean air and most important, and Adventure. 7 GUys, Backing-packing in the awe-inspiring mountains of San Luis Obispo.

Passing hearts castle we look out over the ocean as massive waves crashed upon glistening rocks, the roars and thunder filling our ears with wonder at the power of nature. Stopping shortly we stumbled upon elephant seal, the size of which stun us - massive rippling fleshy bodies resting lazily in the sun. Unfortunately my friends stopped me but I am intrigued with those animals nature... Seeing their environment and home I realised they must be equally brutal and beastly to survive.

The Guys: Doug, Mike David, Tim Kent, Jorgie, Tim

The waster above us towered like beautiful shimmering clouds, resting on the steep wooded hillside. David and I climbed up to the top, to enamored to think about the potential dangers so high up. As we climbed higher, the four below watched anxiously. Suddenly a shirt appeared, flying over the edge. Shouts and yells were heard as the observers realized...
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