Have you ever wondered if there is a secret to happiness, success and life? I have. But my answer did not come a get-rich-quick package. Instead what I have found over the past week is a alarmingly thrifty yet applicable approach. The idea stems from my experience last week in fighting what my body desired to what I had plans for and also having recently read a book by John C. Maxwell, a well know christian, author of leadership. In his book, today matters, he explains the concept of success - not as a list of things to accomplish but instead, the idea he presents is entirely based on making a decision, and then following through on your beliefs. His main emphasis is on the importance of planning and preparing so that when the time comes to make a tough decision it wont be twisted by our emotions or desires in that moment.
In fact, he argues that the past experiences of yesterday are merely distractions to what we are doing now - claiming, "successes and failure often look bigger to us in hindsight then they really were." In the same way, tomorrow is a vague hope of what we want to become - "Its a lottery mindset... in some way hoping to reap what we haven't sowed. " Because today is the only time we can change, it is the most important moment of your life. "That is why the way we live today, impacts our tomorrow."
To begin this transformation, we need to set out some clearly defined goals. I call them my Top 5 disciplines:
1. Relationships - Building strong, healthy friendships is important to living wholesome lives.
2. Food and Exercise - Daily guidelines are helpful in healthy living.
3. Learning - Practice and develop your mind in new ways.
4. Attitude - Make a decision to be in a positive attitude daily. Express your self.
5. Work - Commitment to hard work will help you manage your finances.
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