Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Greetings from Southern California- The Small town of San Luis Obispo. Home of the great Cal Poly Mustangs. It is such a blessing to have gotten so many birthday cards and wishes from all my friends and family.
This week has been especially tough because I took a Chem Midterm that didn't go over so well. After studying and taking a midterm last week I was shocked to see that grade I received. Not knowing where I had stumbled I went to my professors office hours. In speaking with Prof Nguyen I realize my understanding of the material was not lacking but instead a test taking inability and attention to important details. For example, the instructions in one problem stated clearly the requirements. This being my first Midterm, I was feeling rushed and I hurriedly read over the most important details, thereby losing myself in the sequencial problems. A problem that should have taken 20 seconds ended up 2 minutes later. This is why I was guessing in the last minute on all the easy questions!
Through this experience I have realized I do need help and practice in test taking and I hope with my profs guidance will do much better on future tests.
Until Next Time,
Jordan Gamble

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