Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hot Springs in SLO

As my Mother and I drove down the twisty road somewhere outside the San Luis Obispo city limits, we peered out the from window - rain pounded on the roof drenching all the earth about us with new life and deep hydration. It was early Sunday afternoon that we found our selves searching for the Avila Hots springs, imagining the warm mineral water baking our relaxed bodies was all we were thinking about and nothing was going to stop us.

As we soon realized, Avila springs has seen better days and it is quite rundown. Yet for only $8 one can spend the day soaking in 104 degree water while enjoying quiet, peaceful relaxation.

We had to be careful for our eyes because the rain kept splashing sulfur up in our eyes, which made it slightly uncomfortable. Though we don't recommend Hot Springs in the rain, we enjoyed the misty forest landscape and its cooling effect. We had a great experience so it was easy to forget the rain in our eyes.

Upon arriving back at our hotel, we fell asleep, completely comatose for an hour and a half! It was a wonderful break from my busy school life and my Mother's fidelity to her parents care. Even with the poor weather conditions we both agree the experience is worth doing again. I highly recommend it to anyone who comes through San Luis Obispo.

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