Saturday, September 26, 2009


  1. jordan,
    did you really squeeze all that in on Saturday? Roller hockey, sailing, shooting, surfing. wow. how far are those targets?

  2. Yes well, as I spent most the day discussing the qualities and exceptional benefits of the AK 47, AR 15 and and the British 303 it is with confidence that I speak on the topic of Rifles, if not highly informed then at least highly testosteroned. After a full day at the range, a man gets the urge to watch black hawk down or other such tough guy films. But alas, I was so tired after just 3 hours at the range that we, Alex and I, crashed at his house and napped for quite some time. After studing some more grocery shopping I met up with the Bible study group and we celebrated the new quarter at the Beach.
    So if your question was simple, did I do all the listed items? The answer is, No, I didn't. But I was able to enjoy time with friends in one or two specific activities that made the weekend memorable. Thanks for posting!
    Oh, and finally, the Range: We shot 22's at 50 yards and then the AK at 350. You might be able to spot it high right corner in the range picture...
