According to the Wall Street Journal the drinking age of 21 doesn't save lives but does promote binge drinking and contempt for the law. What is your impression of this. My point is not whether drinking is right or wrong, sinful or holy but instead what is good for the betterment of society.
I feel an obligation to my teachers, friends and parents to do my best and uphold standards for myself above what society thinks. I've had underage friends from classes ask me to buy them beer and had to say no over and over again. I've been out drinking with friends who's sole purpose is to get drunk. As mentioned in a previous blog, it is important to have standards of integrity while not becoming judgmental towards others. In fact, the opportunity to attend a party should be viewed as an opportunity to witness and is key to spreading the good news! Though some may say I'm a heretic, I feel a life living on the edge(mixing with the culture) is going to be more overt then staying inside the safety of my christian bubble.
As a side note on Drinking and the stress involved:
There are various reasons to drink including social comfort and party aspects. But by far the most driving force behind drinking is a desire to STOP THINKING. Stress from school, work and relationships builds up until our brains get a rest from going, going going... Unless we get daily or weekly breaks from the busy schedule of life we will be forced to resort to more dangerous and risky types of relaxants.
Our society needs well balanced individuals who take time to reboot. Gardening, yoga, or meditation are all great ways to stop and get some respite. Check out some tools available online that help deal with stress.